Tracee's Website

    I am very interested in becoming an Elementary School Teacher.  Once the major Early Childhood Education becomes available at Georgia Gwinnett College, I will not longer be an undecided major.  I have been interested in becoming a teacher since as long as I can remember.  When I was younger I can remember being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up and my answer was always the same, a teacher.  Becoming a teacher is important to me because I would get to wake up everyday happy and excited to go in to work because I do not think I would actually consider it "work"; it will be more of helping children to learn and succeed in life. 
    Becoming a teacher requires a lot of dedication and hard work.  You must complete (and pass) certain courses in college ranging from English and Math to Child Psychology and Child Development.  You must also take part in Student Teaching.  I cannot wait to reach the point in my education where I will begin my student teaching.  I believe that this is the best way for you to become comfortable in a classroom and see what it is all about.  You can not really learn all there is to know about having a class of your own by taking college courses, you need to be placed in that situation.
    Elementary School Education is very important to me because it is where children begin their education and academic careers.  Elementary School builds the foundation for children's learning as well as how they will feel about school.  If a student starts to dislike school in kindergarten or first grade, that student, as well as their future teachers, will have to work extremely hard to gain that students interest back in school.  I also love children, they are so happy and eager to learn.  I think that being a teacher is one of the most important jobs a person can have!!

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